I Went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.
-henry david thoreau
Standing In The Rain
Discarding immediate rewards in order to experience some bigger, future gain is still a hard task for many modern humans.
Autumn Approaches
Autumn reconnects us with colorful landscapes, playful spookiness, turkey dinners, and all things pumpkin.
The Crossing
Join me on this wonderful journey away from modern life and experience beauty, awe, and adventure that awaits when you are ready to venture…into the woods.
On The Road Again
I had not walked the trails for two weeks, so the first walk was pretty special. We discovered a beautiful turtle beside the creek and a small beaver swimming upstream.
Always Open
Humans are great at taking something remarkably simple and twisting it into something unremarkably complicated.
Saturday Morning
I have a daily ritual I conduct upon waking. Once I am vertical and before anything else, I walk to the bedroom window, slide one of the blind slats up, and peek outside.
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