On The Road Again
They say that time is relative and the past few weeks have passed by in a flash. Koda, one of our dogs, woke up two weeks ago, completely paralyzed from his mid-waist back. He had zero use of his rear legs and could not relieve himself. It was pretty bad. The good news is that, although Koda probably won’t be the total athlete he was before, he has regained use of his back legs and is moving decently, all things considered. In fact, he’s well enough that I could get back to some normal activities.
I had not walked the trails for two weeks, so the first walk was pretty special. We discovered a beautiful turtle beside the creek and a small beaver swimming upstream. We also located two does, each with a new fawn, and a large king snake sunning on a log, which is a good thing, since this non-venomous snake eats copperheads and rattlesnakes.
The fireflies are in full swing and it’s really one of the coolest sights to see this time of year. In the city, I remember seeing five or six fireflies at a time, but seeing hundreds in the dusky forest is a sight to behold. Evolution is truly amazing.
Apart from the relaxation, chores have also resumed. Mowing and weed eating a large yard are no simple tasks. We also treated the area for insects, including walking the spreader down the trails, so I hope that will help curb the ticks that are so active this time of year.
The garden needed some work, and we also added several rows of corn. I’ve resumed my summer practice of eating fresh garden tomatoes every day. I slice them, add salt and pepper, and eat them with a side of hummus lightly dusted with smoked paprika, which I find tasty, even though my wife loathes hummus and is allergic to tomatoes.
We cleared a new trailhead, replaced some door handles and lock, and are about to install a new exterior door. We also purchased materials to expand our worm farm, which we use for vermicomposting while producing natural fertilizer and live fishing bait.
Last but not least, the neighbors invited us to a large cookout at a nice barn they have set up near the farm fields. They barbecued a whole pig and everyone brought sides, desserts, and ice cold beer. It was nice to meet several of the neighbors that live around the area. The people here possess two noble qualities: they are friendly and very private.
And yesterday I fished, catching several bass, catfish, sunfish, and a large bluegill which now occupies the freezer. Koda sure gave us a scare, as we initially thought we might have to put him down. Now, two-weeks later, things are a little different, but much the same. Life is good.