The Crossing

Here’s some footage of a small herd of whitetail deer crossing my property.

One of my favorite things to do on the property is to observe the deer population. It’s August and the small fawns are growing stronger, still retaining their spots. The young bucks have grown their new antlers, which are still covered with the velvet that temporarily supplies blood during the new antler’s growth. Soon, the sensitive velvet will dry off, becoming itchy, driving the deer to scrape the dead tissue off by rubbing their antlers against small, flexible trees. The presence of two fawns with one doe suggests that this is not her first time giving birth. This is the time of year when deer rejoin the previous season’s fawns, now grown, forming larger herds that will live and move together, until the rut this fall.

These animals are so beautiful and graceful. It’s really special to interact with them while living in these wild woods.

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The Haunted Forest


The Gift of Grace