The Sounds Of Silence
“The rhythms of nature remind us to tune in to our own natural rhythms, so we know when to surge forth and when to relax. ”
Living in the modern world brings many conveniences, but it’s not all snow cones and sunshine. One thing we deal with as modern human beings is an exorbitant amount of noise. Noise can be audible sounds coming from the environment, or it can be the mental cacophony inside your head. Whether it’s the sounds of traffic-filled streets and honking horns, or the endless chatter going on between your ears, noise pollution is a real nuisance.
If you’re like most people, internal and external noise can be a constant distraction that can debilitate performance or cause cognitive paralysis. For those who experience mental overstimulation, silence becomes a goal we chase. But is silence the antidote to noise pollution?
Noise shows its face in many forms. Common culprits include vehicles, music, tools, phones, computers, games, and loud, talkative people. These noisy things affect our ability to receive, process, and output information. Sounds distract us and impede our ability to concentrate. Our brains get overloaded, which makes it harder for us to think clearly, leading to poorer decision-making performance. Our brains simply cannot process all the incoming noise.
When we suffer from the effects of noise, our natural tendency is to seek a quiet place. Perhaps it’s an empty room, a library, or putting on noise-canceling headphones. In the modern world, quiet places are becoming more rare, and sometimes when we enter a quiet space, it can be shocking. After having our senses bombarded with so much information, silence can feel calming. But is this the environment in which we are most productive?
While silence creates a space that is more conducive to managing sensory input, it can also become something that impedes productivity. A quiet room with its buzzing ballasts and fluorescent lights can make us feel sleepy and dull our awareness. The environment can also be uninteresting, and in the case of special rooms designed to be completely silent, the quietude can disorient some people.
To be in its most productive state, the human mind needs to have an anchor that keeps it affixed to the present moment. While too much noise pulls or pushes us away from the here and now, complete silence can cause our minds to wander, resulting in rumination that creates the same internal noise we sought to escape.
If noise is too busy, and silence is too lax, then what does the human mind need? Since moving to the woods, I have experienced a unique environment that is neither noisy nor quiet. In the forest, there are no city sounds, no talking, and no technological distractions. But there are many sounds that break the silence without distracting one’s mind. In fact, it is like the sounds of the forest bring the mind into focus with no noticeable effort.
In the woods, you hear the crackling of dead leaves and dried twigs as you walk. A hawk’s distant cry echoes overhead. Wind whooshes through the treetops as branches rub together and creak. A nearby stream gurgles and bubbles in the background as a doe snorts, alerting the herd of deer to your presence.
These things produce sounds you can hear, but that keep you alert, focused, and sharp. Because they are anchors to the present moment, they keep you in sync with time, preventing your mind from drifting into your own thoughts. This is the environment we desire, because it is the environment of our home. And being home provides all the best of what we need and crave: simplicity, familiarity, and information that is neither burdensome nor boring. Nature brings a sense of calm, relaxation, and a unique confidence in the safety and stability of the moment, promoting within us a sense of peace.
The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or overworked, or your mind feels too busy or fatigued, take some time to go outside and take a walk in nature. Gift your mind the opportunity to let go of distraction and provide it a safe place to rest and recover. Being home in our natural environment and away from the noise of modern life will make you feel relaxed without feeling bored, and provide just the right amount of noise to bring your mind into balance. The silence of the forest has the power to transform a mind that wanders into one that is open to wonder.