Brood In The Hood
A few weeks ago, I mentioned there were some new residents in town with a pair of Carolina Wrens who were building a nest under the pergola on my deck. In the article, which you can read here, I was excited to host our first brood of baby wrens. And it seems Wrenfield and Kilo Wren wasted no time!
A few days ago, we heard faint bird chirps coming from the nest. It’s too high to see how many chicks have hatched, but daddy has been busy fetching insects to feed the young birds, while mama keeps watch over them, occasionally leaving to get some food of her own.
Carolina Wrens are small birds, and I was curious about the size of their eggs. A little research on the web disclosed the eggs are tiny, about three-quarters of an inch long. The parents are getting used to me reading under the pergola, but one of my dogs, Axel, definitely tries to chase them off. Bad dog.
Spring is in the air, and baby birds and animals are turning up everywhere.